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थाल में आपका स्वागत है!

This page will help you navigate through the site. Please remember haste makes waste.

If you are a Hindi teacher and have come to THAAL for teaching ideas, Teach Hindi tab is for you. You may also find relevant information in Resources tab. Bollywood Song of the Month is also for you!

If you are a student or someone who has come to THAAL to learn or practice Hindi as a language, Learn Hindi tab is for you. You should use Resources tab for more practice. Bollywood Song of the Month is also for you!

If you just want to know about India because you have some ties with India, have traveled to and are in love with the country or plan to travel in the future, Bollywood Song of the Month is also for you!

Sidebar for all: If you know what are you looking for, you can search the site from the sidebar. You can also subscribe to THAAL for future posts and updates (however, page updates won’t come to your email) as well as connect to Hindi Wizard on social media through the sidebar. Subscribing and connecting will help you not miss anything from THAAL.

You can view and listen to the song of the month from the sidebar before going to the actual lesson developed on it. If you are just in mood to complete a puzzle, you can click on puzzle image.

Another charm that the side bar brings for you is the calendar of major US and Indian holidays.  If you find something important, you can mark that in your calendar.

Before you leave THAAL, do not forget to read at least one Hindi news of your interest!

Footer for all: If you are at the bottom of the site, do not worry: you can still access any page from the footer. You can also view list of holidays and copyright policy from the footer. Footer will also inform you about the top posts and pages, and will allow to use RSS feed (click and copy/paste the url) of this site on your blog or website if you want others to see what is happening here. Wait, from the footer, you can also play Bollywood music in background!

Before you start your hunt, you might also want to read usage policy and become familiar with THAAL and Hindi Wizard.

If you have a question, wish to have a resource added to the site or want to suggest a song for the song of the month or a unique way to improve the site or content, please get in touch with Hindi Wizard here. (You should search the site through sidebar to determine whether what you are going to say has already been addressed.)